Do you aim to be a future leader and changemaker? Samvid Scholars was established in 2021 by Samvid Ventures to invest in the graduate education of future leaders who are committed to effecting positive change in society.
Eligibility Seniors and alumni who are U.S. citizens or DACA recipients and who are pursuing a graduate degree (MD, MBA, JD, MPP, MPH, or MS/MA in social sciences or STEM) at any U.S. university are eligible to apply.
The Samvid Scholarship provides $100,000 for up two years of study for students pursuing a graduate degree (MD, MBA, JD, MPP, MPH, or MS/MA in social sciences or STEM). All applicants must apply directly to a U.S. graduate degree program and also to Samvid Scholars to be considered for the award.
The scholarship is awarded to students who portray 1) Academic Excellence (3.5 minimum GPA), 2) Leadership, 3) Service Focus, 4) Bias Towards Action (committed to effecting positive change in society), and 5) Grit. Recipients also participate in two years of leadership-development programming to cultivate their extraordinary potential to drive change.
Deadline The priority deadline is March 10, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. (noon).The final submittal deadline is April 14, 2025, at 2:00pm CST.
Application PreparationIf you are interested in applying, please attend our informational sessions:
IN-PERSON Samvid Scholarship Information Session Thursday, February 20, 2025, 3:30-4:30 pm514 Illini Union Bookstore Building, Floor 5
For more information, contact the scholarships office at topscholars@illinois.edu or visit our website at www.topscholars.illinois.edu
We hope you’ll join us!