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Advanced writing and presentation courses for international scholars

The information below is shared on behalf of the Illinois ESL Program, Department of Linguistics. Please direct questions to


Attention: Advisors of international graduate students and scholars

The ESL Program offers two 8-week courses for international grad students, faculty, staff, and visiting scholars to support their engagement in the U.S. academic environment. Please encourage your international advisees to consider taking our courses. There are still spaces available in the Fall 2024 sections! 


ESL 592 Advanced Academic Writing (Fall/Spring, Part of Term A, 8 weeks): This course develops skills in genre analysis to enable international graduate students to derive field-specific conventions for writing research articles, theses, and dissertations. Students will develop a guide for academic writing conventions specific to their own discipline to prepare them for their own writing projects. Students who wish to work on individualized writing projects and receive writing feedback can continue in our POT B independent study section. Register now for POT A, classes starting on Tuesday, August 26, 2024.


ESL 593 Academic Presentation Skills (Fall/Spring, Part of Term B, 7 weeks): This course offers authentic opportunities for international graduate students to practice explaining their research, adapting to different audiences, and developing effective visual aids with individualized feedback. Register now for POT B, classes starting on Tuesday, October 21, 2024.


For more information, see ESL Advanced Elective Courses.

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